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Shark Month

Shark Month


Class starts every Tuesday and ALL lessons are available on that day. You have until the final due date, August 20, to complete all work for the course. This means you have the entire summer semester to complete the course on YOUR schedule!

My degree is in Marine Biology (from Texas A&M University at Galveston), and marine biology was the very first homeschool class I ever taught. I have since branched out into many other sciences, but always love it when I can teach my passion- ocean life! This class is really not a good fit for current Marine Zoology students, as all of the information in this class will be covered in zoology, but in more detail.

No live classes- view lessons on YOUR schedule. In general, expect 1.5-2.5 hours to work through the lesson plan each week, and an additional 2-5 hours working on assignments (it really depends what assignment your child chooses to do and how they manage their time). For classes with two levels, the material is the same for both- the depth of the assignments differs. Younger students should usually be placed in Level 1. Older students, or younger students who want more of a challenge, should be placed in Level 2. Each lesson consists of a fully narrated PowerPoint presentation with images and videos to enhance the topics. Students will have access to our learning management system, Canvas, for viewing their lesson, printing worksheets, taking quizzes, viewing/submitting assignments, participating in discussions, and viewing grades/feedback. Read more details about class format. 

Some of the things we’ll be covering will include:

1. Evolution and taxonomy: Where do sharks fit into the grand scheme of life on earth? When did they evolve? What were some of the first forms of sharks (Megalodon!!)?

2. Anatomy: What are the different parts of a shark? What evolutionary adaptations have led to sharks being the ocean’s apex (top) predator?

3. Reproduction: How do sharks reproduce? Why did they evolve these reproductive strategies?

4. Species: We’ll discuss many species you are familiar with, and some you’ve never even heard of! Each has its own unique and fascinating adaptations! Students will learn how to use a dichotomous key to identify species.

5. The Fear Factor: Should we be afraid of sharks? What are the statistics on shark attacks? What are the most common reasons why sharks attack? What can be done to prevent an attack?

6. Conservation: Why are the world’s shark populations in decline? What would happen to the ocean ecosystem if its apex predator disappeared? Why is it important to save sharks? What can we do to help save sharks?

All labs are OPTIONAL!
But if you would like to do them, here is a list of the materials you will need each week.

We do a shark dissection in Week 2 of this class. If you would like to order your own specimen to follow along with me in the dissection video, there is a list of sources below. If you live outside of the United States, you need to call and see if they will ship to you. If not, you may be able to find a biological supply company in your area. You need to order your shark as soon as you enroll to insure it is here before class starts. When your animal arrives, store it in a dark, cool place. Do NOT freeze or refrigerate. You can order a dissection kit if you want, but really all you need is a pair of googles, gloves, sharp scissors (easier to use than a scalpel), and some kind of a probe (toothpicks work well for this).

I do not personally endorse any of these companies, nor do I receive any kind of compensation for listing them. I suggest you research the individual companies before purchasing. There are also other companies that sell preserved sharks. When given a choice of types, choose plain preserved (you don’t need injected ones).






Next Level Homeschool is a firm believer that not all learning should happen from behind a screen! That's why we give students the freedom to submit their assignments in the way THEY want to! We don't want regurgitation learning here. By allowing students to use their own talents, skills, and passions to complete assignments, they become even more engaged and retain the information. Why? Because now it's literally in their hands! We receive thousands of projects every year from our students- written reports, videos, models, posters, Scratch, minecraft, songs, poems, skits, drawings, sculptures, crafts- we've seen it ALL! And WE LOVE IT!! 

Click here to view just a few projects we've received from students who have taken this class, and see what YOUR kid could be learning with Next Level Homeschool!

Course Features

  • Schedule Summer 2026
  • Activities Science
  • Lessons 4
  • Suggested Ages 9-12 One Level
  • Time This class is currently closed for enrollments.
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