Although Next Level Homeschool is an online school, we pride ourselves in getting our students out from behind their screens and hands on with the content they’ve been learning! We don’t do “cookie cutter” assignments here at Next Level. We give the students a choice of assignments, tell them the information we need, and then encourage them to use their skills, talents, and passions to create assignments that they can get excited about and engaged with! Because excited, engaged students are students who are learning… the “next level”! Here is just a small sample of some of the projects from our different classes.
Shakespeare in Pop Culture Series131 photos
Art History258 photos
High School Biology80 photos
Harry Potter Genetics43 photos
Vertebrate Zoology5 photos
Marine Zoology95 photos
Intro to Art132 photos
Short Stories Series: Jack London12 photos
Physical Science: Physics10 photos
Classic Literature Series: Lord of the Flies14 photos
Short Stories Series: Edgar Allan Poe24 photos
Costa Rica: A Virtual Adventure in Science & History7 photos
Oceanography16 photos
Shark Month25 photos
Short Story Series: Richard Connell7 photos
US History10 photos
Youth Literature Series: Bridge to Terabithia8 photos
Physical Science: Chemistry4 photos
Etymology - The Language of Harry Potter34 photos
Short Story Series: Sandra Cisneros1 photos
Classic Literature Series: Fahrenheit 45115 photos
Malaysia: Biology & History21 photos
Classic Literature Series: Frankenstein8 photos
French History and Virtual Field Trip: 1300 Years of the French Monarchy17 photos
Short Story Series: O Henry3 photos
Youth Literature Series: Hatchet1 photos
Chemistry: The WHY Behind the WOW10 photos
Classic Literature Series: Their Eyes Were Watching God5 photos
Short Story Series: Frank R. Stockton4 photos
Theater History: From the Beginning to the Bard40 photos
Astronomy: A Homeschooler's “Quick Guide” to the Galaxy and Beyond!28 photos
Earth Science55 photos
Poetry Please!18 photos
Youth Literature Series: Holes16 photos
Physical Science: Earth Science & Astronomy1 photos
Marine Mammal Month8 photos
Panama Workshops Day 5 (May 2023)34 photos
Panama Workshops Day 4 (May 2023)34 photos
Panama Workshops Day 2 (May 2023)41 photos
Panama Workshops May 2023 Day 155 photos
Panama Workshops Day 3 (May 2023)49 photos
Youth Literature Series: The Westing Game12 photos
Common Cents: Foundations in Personal Finance1 photos
Classic Literature Series: Animal Farm12 photos
Panama Workshops! May 2022108 photos
Panama Workshops! April 202280 photos
English Grammar1 photos
Intro to Ancient Civilizations1 photos
Titanic: A Virtual Field Trip14 photos
High School Chemistry4 photos