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Comparative World Mythology

World Mythology


Class starts every Tuesday and ALL lessons are available on that day. You have until the final due date, August 20, to complete all work for the course. This means you have the entire summer semester to complete the course on YOUR schedule!



World Mythology will be a six-week look into the stories and parables that make up belief systems of cultures across the globe from ancient history to today. This class will be a comparison of these systems and will build an understanding of the archetypes that make up mythology. As we explore different stories, we will begin to discover some of the major similarities in stories from across oceans.

We will begin by taking a look at the archetypes that span cultures with a special focus on the Hero’s Journey. After covering the basics of mythology and how to study it comparatively, we will begin delving into stories from across the world and drawing comparisons between them based on the archetype of the week.

By the end of the course, the student will have the ability to identify different types of mythology and mythological figures. They will also be able to adequately compare myths and apply the archetypes to new stories that they come across. Finally, they will be opened up to a wide variety of mythology from Asia and Africa to the Americas and Europe.

No live classesview lessons on YOUR schedule. In general, expect 1.5-2.5 hours to work through the lesson plan each week, and an additional 2-5 hours working on assignments (it really depends what assignment your child chooses to do and how they manage their time). For classes with two levels, the material is the same for boththe depth of the assignments differs. Younger students should usually be placed in Level 1. Older students, or younger students who want more of a challenge, should be placed in Level 2.

Each lesson consists of a fully narrated PowerPoint presentation with images and videos to enhance the topics. Students will have access to our learning management system, Canvas, for viewing their lesson, printing worksheets, taking quizzes, viewing/submitting assignments, participating in discussions, and viewing grades/feedback. Read more details about class format.

Week 1: The Hero’s Journey
The first week of World Mythology starts with an overview of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey. Also known as the “monomyth,” the hero’s journey is a framework that can be applied to many myths, both ancient and modern. After learning about the steps in the hero’s journey, we will be applying it to a few modern day favorites. The week concludes with a look into a couple epic poems that the hero’s journey applies to.

Week 2: Creation Myths
Creation is a topic that most major mythologies cover. Creation acts as the beginning of most mythology, and it will also act as a starting point for our look into comparative mythology. There are common themes in many of the stories but also some interesting differences. Finally, we will take a look into a few of the creation stories from around the globe and compare and contrast them.

Week 3: Fathers, Judges, and Creators
This will be a look into a few of the major deities that play roles as fathers or judges, deities like Zeus and Odin. As with each week, we will start by looking into some of the common themes that come up when looking at these types of stories. The bulk of the week will be made up of looking at a few of the different stories that fall into this type of myth.

Week 4: Sons and Daughters
This week’s subject matter ties into week 3’s. However, we will be taking a look at the father deities as they are viewed from the perspectives of their children, like Athena and Jesus. We will look at some of the common themes that tie these stories together, then we will apply those themes to a few of the stories about sons and daughters of some of the most supreme deities in mythology.

Week 5: Gods of Death
Week 5’s focus is on the various gods and goddesses of death that appear throughout most mythology, like Kali and Osiris. Again, we will be taking a look into the common themes that unite these types of myths across the planet. Then we will apply those themes to a few of the stories to compare commonalities and find a few interesting differences.

Week 6: Tricksters
Trickster gods, like Loki or Old Coyote, are found throughout the world’s mythology. They often act as catalysts for change or cunning influences on the other deities around them. For our final week, we will look into many of the stories that tie together these interesting characters in mythology.

Next Level Homeschool is a firm believer that not all learning should happen from behind a screen! That's why we give students the freedom to submit their assignments in the way THEY want to! We don't want regurgitation learning here. By allowing students to use their own talents, skills, and passions to complete assignments, they become even more engaged and retain the information. Why? Because now it's literally in their hands! We receive thousands of projects every year from our students: written reports, videos, models, posters, Scratch, Minecraft, Roblox, songs, poems, skits, drawings, sculptures, craftswe've seen it ALL! And WE LOVE IT!!

Course Features

  • Schedule Fall 2025
  • Activities History
  • Lessons 6
  • Suggested Ages 10-16 One Level
  • Time This class is currently closed for enrollments.
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