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European History Series 2: 1800s to Present

This is Part 2 of 2 in a full year (22 weeks) European History series, lasting 10 weeks.
European History Series I or equivalent prior learning is highly encouraged before taking this class. There will be plenty of difficult to understand concepts that need context from earlier history, especially that of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era.

The second class in Next Level’s European History series picks up where the first class left off. After experiencing revolution in France and much of the rest of Europe, a new player stepped onto the European stage: Napoleon. We will begin the class by following this infamous general and seeing the changes happening to the people of Europe under his new empire. From there, the class will take students on a trip through the world-changing Industrial Revolution, into the modern world of the twenty-first century and up to the modern day. Join us on this 10-week look into two important centuries in European history!

Disclaimer: This is history, not math. There is not a right and wrong, black and white answer to everything! So much in history can be subjective and argued over endlessly. I’m presenting the facts the best I can from various sources I’ve researched. I don’t consider any history book to be 100% accurate. It’s impossible. And same with this course. I compiled my research and put together the most authentic story I could, considering I wasn’t personally privy to the goings on during this time period.

No live classes- view lessons on YOUR schedule. In general, expect 1.5-2.5 hours to work through the lesson plan each week, and an additional 2-5 hours working on assignments (it really depends what assignment your child chooses to do and how they manage their time). For classes with two levels, the material is the same for both- the depth of the assignments differs. Younger students should usually be placed in Level 1. Older students, or younger students who want more of a challenge, should be placed in Level 2. Each lesson consists of a fully narrated PowerPoint presentation with images and videos to enhance the topics. Students will have access to our learning management system, Canvas, for viewing their lesson, printing worksheets, taking quizzes, viewing/submitting assignments, participating in discussions, and viewing grades/feedback. Read more details about class format. 

Week 1: The Aftermath of  Revolution
The revolutions of the mid-to-late 1700s reshaped what much of the politics of Europe looked like for the foreseeable future. This week, we will learn about the consequences of revolution, good and bad. Napoleon Bonaparte, the fairly normal-statured French general, will also make an appearance to shake things up.

Week 2: The Industrial Revolution
While political revolutions certainly left their mark on Europe, the Industrial Revolution  of them all when it comes to affecting the lives of the common people. This week is dedicated to understanding the immense importance of the Industrial Revolution while exploring the ways in which the common people of the time were responding.

Week 3: The Politics of Europe in the Nineteenth Century
Political history is not always a favorite among students, but this period of nation-state building and governing is crucial in understanding the politics of Europe and many places across the globe in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This week combs through European jockeying for power and the first nation-states in the nineteenth century.

Week 4: Imperialism
As the nineteenth century comes to a close, European nations have spread through much of the globe. Empires like few the world had seen before were growing. This week brings the impacts European imperialism made across the world and at home.

Week 5: Road to War
The turn of the nineteenth century into the twentieth laid the groundwork for one of the worst conflicts. This week explores how World War I came to be. Modern ideas and actions led to modern industry killing people in previously unimaginable ways.

Week 6: World War I
This week dives into the two fronts of the First World War in Europe. After learning about the war and its immediate effects, we will also explore its longer-lasting effects into the 1920s and 1930s. New problems were on the horizon.

Week 7: The Great Depression and Another World War
The effects of the First World War were felt for decades after the last shot was fired. Economic depression crippled Europe and much of the world, giving way to the rise of a new power in Germany that started another global conflict. 

Week 8: The Cold War
After having two devastating wars on European soil in only a few decades, Europe needed to rebuild. But rebuilding did not come so easily. Even as the Nazis were falling in 1945, former allies were on their way to becoming bitter enemies who split Europe in ideological and physical lines.

Week 9: Society at the End of the Cold War
As we near the end of the class, we look into European society at the end of the Cold War. Technology, culture, and the spread of ideas caused change at nearly every level of life in Europe. 

Week 10: A Global Society in the Present
The final week of the class explores Europe in the aftermath of the Cold War and into the twenty-first century. We begin to see an increasingly interconnected world and politics on a global scale using those new types of connections.

Course Features

  • Schedule Spring 2026
  • Activities History
  • Lessons 10
  • Suggested Ages 13-17 One Level
  • Time This class is currently closed for enrollments.